Do we offer delivery services?

Yes! We offer delivery services for your pet supply needs all over United Arab Emirates. Free delivery services to all purchases with a total worth of 50 AED above excluding Pet Accessories.

When can I receive my orders?

Upon finalizing and placing your order, Kimbowny will process the orders within one working day (except Sunday, and expect the items to receive given the timeline below.

Within Dubai - Estimated of 1 to 2 working days

Other Emirate (outside Dubai) -  Estimated of 2-3 working days

Working for the community

We love to help the dogs and cats live long, safe lives. The best way to do so is to help their parents create a lifestyle so enables it to happen. Check out some of our most commonly asked questions below, or call or stop in and ask us your questions at any time!

Call center available 24 / 7

You can call us any time regarding anything related to your pet. We’ll endeavor to provide you the best support.

+971 52 489 4820

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